Take Your Energy Work to the NEXT LEVEL

Part of being that "tuned in, tapped in, turned on" reader is feeling that energy flow of manifestation and enlightenment through your chakras. Knowing the energy in your body to a tee allows for everything to flow in your life, not just your readings.

But that fear of whether you're worthy enough to be a fantastic tarot reader sets in. That worry of interpreting the cards wrong paralyzes you. The thought of investing in your spiritual or psychic practice sends you running for the hills.

I've got a harsh news flash for you...
☹️ That tenth, fiftieth, or hundredth deck isn't going to give you easier answers. 
☹️ Searching Google for hours at a time for guidance isn't the right teacher for you.
☹️ Attending free workshops, which are meant to help you START your divination journey, will continue to frustrate you unless you invest the time, energy, and money in yourself

That emotional instability and dissatisfaction you feel from not having a supportive psychic community? That's your Sacral Chakra screaming at you for help.

That frustration at barely remembering your dreams, having a difficulty visualizing with the cards, and overthinking your psychic insights? That's your Third Eye and Crown warring with your ego.

That nasty habit of giving up your cards, spiritual education, and lowering your personal boundaries to make everyone else in your life happy? That's your Heart Chakra crying from loneliness and needing to feel validated.

If this is you, you NEED to join me for my HEAL YOUR CHAKRAS in 7 WEEKS LIVE GROUP PROGRAM

For SEVEN WEEKS we tackle each of the main chakras in an intense, consuming, advanced energy work program. Every day we're assigned tasks to transform our days to fit the energies of our body and manifest the practice, abilities, and lives each of us wants.

This program WILL profoundly change your life. But YOU have to take the first leap of faith by joining me on this journey so you can help me, help you.

From Root to Crown, we’re going to tackle your...
🔥 Inner fears
🔥 Worst doubts
🔥 Weakest insecurities
🔥 Grieving memories
🔥 Communication Blocks
🔥 Inner Illusions
🔥 Connections to our patron deities, spirit guides, and ancestors


😊 Knows the energy in their body so well that the voice of their ego and their intuition are distinctly different
😊 Knows their psychic triggers and can tune into their inner guidance in a snap
😊 Wakes up in the morning at one with their psychic sense, takes care of their health, and has the vibe of a leader

Course curriculum

  • 1
    Welcome to the Program!
    • Welcome
    • Privacy Policy
  • 2
    Before the Program Starts...
    • Where Are You Now?
  • 3
    Introduction to Chakra Work Workshop
    • Introduction to Chakras Workshop Replay
    • Workshop Workbook
    • Join the Facebook Group
  • 4
    Week One - Root Chakra
    • Week One Assessment
    • Week One Replay
  • 5
    Week Two - Sacral Chakra
    • Week Two Assessment
    • Week Two Replay
  • 6
    Week Three - Solar Plexus Chakra
    • Week Three Assessment
    • Week Three Replay
  • 7
    Week Four - Heart Chakra
    • Week Four Assessment
    • Week Four Replay
  • 8
    Week Five - Throat Chakra
    • Week Five Assessment
    • Week Five Replay
  • 9
    Week Six - Third Eye Chakra
    • Week Six Assessment
    • Week Six Replay
    • Third Eye Guided Meditation and Energy Activation
  • 10
    Week Seven - Crown Chakra
    • Week Seven Assessment
    • Week Seven Replay
  • 11
    Your Next Steps...
    • Post-Program Assessment
    • Book Reccomendations
    • Let's Continue Working Together...